
How to Make Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is not superior to human intelligence. Like every technology, AI also presents both advantages and risks. If utilised wisely, it will be advantageous. Similarly, it can be detrimental, if misused.

How to Make Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is not superior to human intelligence. Like every technology, AI also presents both advantages and risks. If utilised wisely, it will be advantageous. Similarly, it can be detrimental, if misused.

On 20 April 2024, around one hundred students from Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Germany were blessed with the opportunity to have an in-person meeting with the Worldwide Head and the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba at Islamabad, UK. During the program, students were also given the chance to ask questions to His Holiness. One of the students enquired about the Islamic perspective on the roles Artificial Intelligence (AI) should and should not play, to which His Holiness responded:

Artificial Intelligence fundamentally involves inputting comprehensive data into a system to make it proficient in a particular subject or field. For instance, in the context of language, it involves embedding all pertinent words within the system, enabling it to ascertain the appropriate words for specific contexts. In medicine, this means incorporating all existing research, including the advantages and drawbacks of various treatments, into the system. Similarly, it is done in this manner for research in any other field.

Artificial Intelligence is defined by its capability to aggregate and consolidate information within its programming. When asked a specific question, it will provide a detailed analysis outlining the advantages and disadvantages, the beneficial and harmful aspects of any subject. If you direct it to produce an article that accentuates the negative aspects of a topic, it will comply, potentially resulting in a piece that might only evoke frustration. Conversely, if you request it to focus on the positive aspects, Artificial Intelligence will adapt accordingly and produce an article emphasising the beneficial elements.

In the same vein, Artificial Intelligence is proficient with languages – it can supply appropriate words in English, Urdu, Arabic, and other languages as needed. Thus, we must focus on the beneficial aspects of this technology and explore how we can derive the greatest advantage from it.

His Holiness interacting with students from Germany

At its essence, AI represents merely a collection of human efforts and knowledge consolidated into one place. When queried, it reproduces responses based on the information inputted. It does not surpass human intelligence but operates within the confines of the intellect instilled by its creators. For example, if it is equipped with the combined knowledge of a hundred individuals, it can convey that aggregate wisdom to any questioner, illustrating not just what they know, but also what those ninety-nine others understand.

So, it can be beneficial or detrimental depending on how it is used. The team at Alislam.org has initiated projects involving AI to better leverage its potential. I have instructed them to implement comprehensive safety measures to prevent any form of access that might compromise or misrepresent our objectives. Artificial Intelligence should be programmed in such a way that when such a thing is detected, it should lock it immediately.

Hence, embrace its beneficial aspects. Every technology presents both advantages and risks. If utilised wisely, it will be advantageous and improve life. However, if misused, it could lead astray and deviate from religious truths.

For instance, if you request an article outlining the shortcomings of religion, it will source from an extensive array of atheistic content to advocate disbelief. In contrast, if you seek understanding about the existence of Allah and what religious scholars have expressed – including the rich literature from our Jamaat – it will provide all the affirmative perspectives.

Hence, one should learn to use it in the best manner and refrain from its negative usage. Everything possesses good and bad aspects. Artificial Intelligence is not superior to human intelligence endowed by God Almighty. Allah states that man has been created as the best of creations. He is a superior being. This superiority should be maintained by employing the faculties of our mind, and judging as to what is good and what is bad.

It is possible that Artificial Intelligence contends something as good while it is full of ills. In such instances, one should employ their wisdom and say they are not convinced, asking it to provide the true aspects of the topic. In that manner, Artificial Intelligence will be compelled to provide the true details of the subject matter.

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