
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community India Wishes a Happy Independence Day to All the People of the Country

"Sincere patriotism is a requirement in Islam. To truly love God and Islam requires a person to love his nation." - World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community India Wishes a Happy Independence Day to All the People of the Country

"Sincere patriotism is a requirement in Islam. To truly love God and Islam requires a person to love his nation." - World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
brown concrete india gate
  • The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa himself taught that the love for one’s nation is a part of faith.
  • Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India extends its heartfelt wishes to all the people of the nation on the occasion of 75th Independence Day.

AUGUST 15, 2021

Today, we the people of India, are proudly celebrating the 75th Independence Day of our country. This day, we are reminded of the great responsibilities that are entrusted upon us by our nation.

In his famous address delivered at the Military Headquarters Germany, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahamdaba stated:

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself taught that the ‘love for one’s nation is a part of faith.’ Thus, sincere patriotism is a requirement in Islam. To truly love God and Islam requires a person to love his nation. It is quite clear, therefore, that there can be no conflict of interest between a person’s love for God, and love for his country. As love for one’s country has been made a part of Islam, it is quite clear that a Muslim must strive to reach the highest standards of loyalty to his chosen country, because that is a means of reaching God and becoming close to Him. Hence, it is impossible that the love a true Muslim holds for God could ever prove to be an impediment or barrier preventing him from displaying true love and faithfulness towards his country.

On this joyous occasion of Independence Day, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India would like to extend the message that we must strive to rise above differences of caste, colour, creed, race and religion and work to eradicate all sorts of evil traditions and give utmost preference to humanity and human values. This way, we can create an atmosphere of peace in our nation and contribute to its progress.

The Holy Prophetsa of Islam and the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, have taught us to love our nation and always remain loyal to it. Moreover, the Holy Quran also forbids Muslims from rebelling against their countries and exhorts them to obey the rulers of their nations. However, at the same time, Islam also enjoins the rulers to treat their people with justice. This is the principle which can guarantee the establishment of peace in our country and this is the path that can lead our nation to progress.

On this auspicious occasion of Independence Day, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India urges its fellow countrymen to respect every religion and faith and ignite the spirit of service to humanity. We hope and pray that our country may constantly advance in the path of development so that it may become a true abode of peace.


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