
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community India Holds Its 126th Jalsa Salana

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community India Holds Its 126th Jalsa Salana

  • Jalsa Salana is a spiritual gathering that aims for establishing inter-religious peace and harmony.

DECEMBER 24, 2021

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India is holding its 126th Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) in its national headquarters Qadian, in Gurdaspur district, Punjab on 24th, 25th and 26th of December.

The history of Jalsa Salana traces back 130 years to the lifetime of the founder of the Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. In 1891, following Divine command, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas initiated this spiritual event to promote inter-religious peace and harmony. This year marks the 126th anniversary of the Jalsa.

The objective of holding Jalsa Salana is to present the pure, pristine and peaceful teachings of Islam to the world. Similarly, to call people towards their Creator, to develop love, affection and compassion in man for one another and to promote brotherhood are also among the noble objectives of this Jalsa. This makes this Jalsa unique in its nature and history.

Jalsa Salana is a purely spiritual gathering and people from far-flung areas defer all their worldly engagements and endure the hardships of the journey to attend this event solely for the sake of God.

In view of the pandemic situation, this year’s Jalsa is being attended by only a limited number of guests and all the government guidelines with regard to Covid-19 are being strictly followed.

The three-day event will feature speeches on various topics concerning the spiritual and moral upliftment of man. Hence, this Jalsa will be a great source of rejuvenation of faith for the attendees and will boost their moral faculties.

The message that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community wishes to convey through this Jalsa is that man should turn towards his Creator. Moreover, by following the principle of “Love for All, Hatred for None”, people should respect each other’s sentiments and should work together for the betterment of humanity.


For further details please contact:
Incharge Press and Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at India.
Qadian-143516, dist. Gurdaspur, Punjab, India.
Mob: +91-9988757988, email: [email protected],
tel: +91-1872-500311, fax: +91-1872-500178
Noorul Islam Toll Free Number: 1800-103-2131

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