
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Organizes #STOPWW3 Campaigns in Various Parts of India

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Organizes #STOPWW3 Campaigns in Various Parts of India

APRIL 18, 2022

It is the critical need of the hour that every possible effort is made to avoid warfare and violence. There is still time for the world to step back from the brink of disaster and so, for the sake of humanity, we should try to resolve our conflicts through dialogue and diplomacy, and not through killing and bloodshed.

    Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India is organizing peaceful campaigns in different cities of the country under the theme #STOPWW3.

    For many years, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba have warned the major powers of the world that they must heed the lessons from history, particularly in relation to the two catastrophic and devastating world wars that took place in the 20th century. In this regard, His Holiness have written letters to the leaders of various nations urging them to set aside their national and vested interests in order to prioritize the peace and security of the world by adopting true justice at all levels of society.

    Most regrettably, a war in Ukraine has started recently and so the situation has become extremely grave and precarious. His Holiness said in this regard:

    It is the critical need of the hour that every possible effort is made to avoid further warfare and violence. There is still time for the world to step back from the brink of disaster and so, for the sake of humanity, I urge Russia, NATO and all major powers to concentrate all their efforts on seeking to de-escalate the conflict and working towards a peaceful solution through diplomacy.

    He further said:

    I pray that the world leaders strive earnestly to safeguard and protect mankind, both today and in the future, from the torment of warfare, bloodshed and destruction. And so, from the depths of my heart, I pray that the leaders of the major powers and their governments do not take steps that will serve to destroy the future of our children and next generations. Rather, their every effort and motivation should be to ensure that we bequeath to those that follow us a world of peace and prosperity.

    I pray that the world’s leaders pay heed to the need of the hour and value, above all else, their obligation to ensure the peace and stability of the world. May Allah the Almighty protect all innocent and defenceless people and may true and lasting peace in the world prevail. Ameen.

    In order to establish peace in the world, it is necessary to make efforts at every levels. Man should also make individual efforts in this regard. To establish world peace, one must follow these 10 principles.

    1. Recognize the Creator.
    2. Establish absolute justice.
    3. Foster global unity.
    4. Seek nuclear disarmament.
    5. Eliminate weapon profiteering.
    6. Create economic equity and eradicate poverty.
    7. Work for the good of one’s nation.
    8. Reject extremism.
    9. Instil service to humanity.
    10. Respect each other’s beliefs.

    It is to spread these principles of peace among the people of the nation that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is organizing the #STOPWW3 campaigns throughout the country.

    Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a spiritual and religious community that stands for and abides by the motto Love for All, Hatred for None. With this passion, the Community strives to establish peace in the world and work for the progress of the nation. It is our sincere prayer that our nation and the world at large may truly become a cradle of peace. Ameen.

    Contact for further details:
    Incharge Press and Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at India.
    Qadian-143516, dist. Gurdaspur, Punjab, India.
    Mob: +91-9988757988, email: [email protected],
    tel: +91-1872-500311, fax: +91-1872-500178
    Noorul Islam Toll Free Number: 1800-103-2131

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