

Is God Failing Us?

While atheists try to disprove God referring to the closure of houses of worship amid Covid-19 concerns, a simple analysis of their claims exposes the flaws in their ‘logic’ and lies in their ‘facts’.

Musleh Maud: A Beacon of Leadership and Guidance

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad(ra) left an indelible mark on the history of Islam through his visionary leadership, intellectual contributions, and unwavering commitment to the values of peace and justice.

Hazrat Aapa Jaan: The beloved of Qadian

Among the noble names mentioned during this year’s Jalsa Salana Qadian was Hazrat Sayyeda Amatul Quddus Begum Sahiba, lovingly referred to as Aapa Jaan. Here we share heartfelt reflections from Lajna members on her remarkable character.