

The Path to Peace

With the milestone document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and many institutions working towards resolving conflicts, should not the world already be thriving in peace?

Weed Out Patriarchy to End Rape Crisis

Rape crisis is on the rise and shows no sign of abating. It is time to end the patriarchal norms that are increasing the incidence of rape and crime against women.

No to Slouching: Why Good Posture Matters

Posture is often overlooked. It is something usually considered as of little or no importance. But the fact is good posture benefits us in a multitude of ways while bad posture can ruin our overall health.

Khilafat: Transforming Fear Into Peace

As a Khalifa is God’s vicegerent on Earth, his person becomes the reflection of Divine attributes, and his actions serve as the true demonstration of Islamic teachings.

The Different Steps of Human Evolution

The Holy Quran acknowledges the role of clay in the creation of life but dismisses the notion that God played with mud and water to mould the mixture into the shape of man.

Qatar World Cup: Mothers Stealing the Spotlight

“Our success is not possible without our parents’ happiness” –Regragui’s words sound all the more relevant in today’s age, where filial responsibility is losing significance.