

Fasting: The Jihad of the Soul

The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “If people knew about the excellences of Ramadan, then my Ummah would have wished the entire year to be Ramadan”.

Fighting the Shadow Pandemic

Though various steps have been taken to curb down domestic abuse, the root causes behind the problem remain largely unaddressed.

The Truth About Ghazwa-e-Hind

Loyalty to nation is an integral part of faith in Islam. But opponents try to call this fact into question by misrepresenting one of the prophecies of the Holy Prophet(sa).

Being the Progeny of Adam

Is pursuing worldly provisions the sole purpose of our lives, or is there any greater meaning to our existence?

Gender Equality

Dispelling the Allegation of Misogyny

Critics often employ contextomy to misrepresent the views of the Promised Messiah(as). Here we refute a false allegation of misogyny raised against him.

The Magic of Smiling: A Simple Way to Spread Joy

By embracing a smiling disposition, Prophet Muhammad(sa) set a powerful example for his followers, encouraging them to uplift the spirits of others, bring cheerfulness to their surroundings, and foster an atmosphere of love and harmony.