

Shariah: Separating Truth from Myths

Islam envisions the world in the form of a pluralistic ecosystem. Hence, enacting shariah law becomes impossible even in countries with Muslim majorities, let alone the multireligious nations and societies.

Interaction of Arab and Persian Astronomers with India

In around 770 AD, an embassy from India, including an astronomer, visited the then Abbasid Caliph Al-Mansur in Baghdad. The meeting was to open up an avenue for a fruitful interaction between India and the Arab world.

Taming the Temper: Islamic Teachings on Anger Management

A drive through rush hour traffic, a bad day at the office or reading irate tweets on social media can all induce our anger. As the incontinent expression of rage can have damaging outcomes, we ought to control our anger in such situations.

The Path to Peace

With the milestone document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and many institutions working towards resolving conflicts, should not the world already be thriving in peace?

Weed Out Patriarchy to End Rape Crisis

Rape crisis is on the rise and shows no sign of abating. It is time to end the patriarchal norms that are increasing the incidence of rape and crime against women.

No to Slouching: Why Good Posture Matters

Posture is often overlooked. It is something usually considered as of little or no importance. But the fact is good posture benefits us in a multitude of ways while bad posture can ruin our overall health.