
Accusing the Holy Quran of Promoting Extremism Is the Result of Not Understanding Its True Teachings

The teachings of the Holy Quran are universal and are applicable at all times and circumstances. None of its chapters or verses or even letters will ever be abrogated. Instead, all of its teachings are such that they guide a man to the right path.

Accusing the Holy Quran of Promoting Extremism Is the Result of Not Understanding Its True Teachings

The teachings of the Holy Quran are universal and are applicable at all times and circumstances. None of its chapters or verses or even letters will ever be abrogated. Instead, all of its teachings are such that they guide a man to the right path.

MARCH 19, 2021

The teachings of the Holy Quran are universal and are applicable at all times and circumstances. None of its chapters or verses or even letters will ever be abrogated. Instead, all of its teachings are such that they guide a man to the right path.

    Recently, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court demanding the deletion of 26 verses from the Holy Quran, the sacred Scripture of Islam, alleging that those verses teach and promote extremism. The petition is not at all in the public interest as it is claimed to be. On the contrary, it only contributes to jeopardizing the peace and security of the country. The accusation of extremism made against the Holy Quran is totally baseless and is only the result of not understanding the true message of the relevant verses.

    The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India denies and strongly condemns this allegation levelled against the Holy Quran. We invite anyone who desires to understand the true meaning of these verses to come to us.

    It is the firm belief of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that the teachings of the Holy Quran are universal and are applicable at all times and circumstances. None of its chapters or verses or even letters will ever be abrogated. Instead, all of its teachings are such that they guide a man to the right path.

    The Quran is the word of God. It contains teachings that promote human welfare and provides injunctions, which advocate interfaith harmony and compassion to mankind, and are a guarantor of global peace.

    Indeed, there are some extremist groups who seek to promote terrorism and try to justify their evil actions by misinterpreting certain verses of the Holy Quran. They demolish the peace of the world in the process of fulfilling their vested interests. But to put the blame of their actions on the Holy Quran, which stands for peace, cannot be justified by any means.

    The Holy Quran is such a book that it equates the killing of one innocent person to the killing of the whole of humanity. Islam has always advocated the establishment of peace and is totally against war and bloodshed. A person will be able to understand the true meaning of the Holy Quran only if he ponders upon its teachings with a pure heart and unbiased intention. God Himself will inform such a person of the true meaning of its verses.

    God has Himself undertaken the responsibility of protecting the Holy Quran. He has promised that He would preserve the Holy Quran – both in its text and spirit. Since its revelation, millions of people around the world have been committing the whole text of the Holy Quran to their memory preserving it in their hearts. Hence, the Holy Quran has remained unchanged to its letter for the past 1400 years; a fact acknowledged by friends and foes alike. As for the preservation of the spirit of the Holy Quran, God has been raising divinely inspired reformers, who from time to time, have interpreted and explained the true meaning of its text. Similarly, in this era, God appointed the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, to explain the true teachings of the Quran to the world. He removed all misconceptions regarding its various principles thereby establishing its glory once again in the world.

    Our country India is home to different religions and diverse ideologies. Religious freedom is a fundamental right enjoyed by each and every citizen of this country. At the same time, every person here cares for the religious sentiments of their fellow citizens, viewing with respect the leaders and scriptures of other faiths. This tolerant and pluralistic approach towards others’ views and beliefs is what forms the basis of peace in this country. Hence, it would be wrong to think that this religious freedom can be exploited to hurt the sentiments of the people of other faiths. Doing so would be beyond any justification.

    Our humble demand from such people is that they sincerely try to understand the Holy Quran before attempting to make false accusations against it.

    Contact for further details:
    Incharge Press and Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at India.
    Qadian-143516, dist. Gurdaspur, Punjab, India.
    Mob: +91-9988757988, email: [email protected],
    tel: +91-1872-500311, fax: +91-1872-500178
    Noorul Islam Toll Free Number: 1800-103-2131

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