During his tour of Canada in 2013, the Worldwide Head and Fifth Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, held a meeting with Khuddam students. The meeting, which took place on 13 May 2013, included a question from one of the students regarding the implementation of Shariah law in Western countries, such as the UK. At the time, this was a hotly debated topic in the media following the tragic stabbing of a British soldier by an extremist who claimed the heinous deed to have been carried in the name of Islam. In response, His Holiness addressed the issue:
The fact is, the UK is not a Muslim country. How can Shariah law be enforced in a country that is not Islamic? This is not something that can be imposed. Also, there is no need to interfere with the prevailing laws within a country, if they already fulfil human rights, protect everyone’s rights, ensure justice, and meet societal needs. Calling for implementing Shariah law in the UK—for example, concerning the punishment for theft or murder—[is unnecessary] as they do not feel the need for it.
Yes, Islamic countries are free to implement Shariah law; however it is essential that this be done with justice. In Saudi Arabia, for instance, they claim to have implemented Shariah law. They cut off the hand of a thief immediately. However, Shariah also commands justice for women and fulfilling the rights of the poor. Despite claiming to have implemented Shariah, in Saudi Arabia, every wall in the king’s palace perhaps has half a pound of 24-karat gold on it per square foot. Yet, some women who live in slums do not even get food. Thus, on the one hand, they clamour about Shariah law, and on the other, they do not ensure basic human rights. So, this is all just nonsense they have made up.

Islamic countries may implement Shariah law, provided that they establish justice at every level, for everyone. Other than that, there is no need to impose Shariah in those countries where the law already ensures justice and no one’s rights are being violated.
As for the Maulvis (clerics), they will keep making a fuss anyway. What kind of Shariah is it to stab an innocent soldier to death, and then chant slogans of ‘Allahu Akbar’? He [who stabbed the soldier] was chanting ‘an eye for an eye, an ear for an ear, and a nose for a nose’. What crime had that poor 25-year-old boy committed? Whose life had he taken? Whose nose or ear had he cut off? So, these people are tarnishing the name of Shariah in the name of Shariah itself.
Hence, in these countries, there is no need for Shariah law for now. When an Islamic government is formed in any country, or if the Islamic countries become just, then Shariah law can be implemented there, while fulfilling the requirements of justice.
On the one hand, they clamour for democracy, and on the other, they create an uproar about implementing Shariah. Also, look at the so-called Shariah law implemented by the Taliban in Afghanistan—what have they done there? They have oppressed women, they have oppressed people, and they have filled their own homes with wealth. So, there is no faith left anywhere.
1 Comment
Mohd Murslin · January 29, 2025 at 7:12 am