Satan deceived Hazrat Adam(as) by disguising his true intentions, misleading him into an error despite God’s warning. The Holy Quran reveals how this deception unfolded.
It is generally understood that Iblis and Satan are identical. However, the Holy Quran maintains a distinction between these terms, revealing that they are not one and the same.
Contrary to the common belief that Adam(as) was forbidden to approach a physical tree, a study of the Quranic verses reveals that the command addressed a concept of much greater significance.
The common belief that Adam(as) was placed in Heaven finds no support in the Quran. In truth, he was sent as a guide for people on earth and was made to live therein.
It is commonly held that Hazrat Adam(as), who lived about 6,000 years ago, was the first man on Earth. However, this view is not supported by the Holy Quran, as a close study of the relevant verses reveals.
The Holy Quran is a timeless book, no portion of which is subject to abrogation. It is a scripture designed to be relevant in all times and for all cultures.
The injunction of Hijab is not just recommendatory. Nor is the concept of Purdah an innovative practice. Those who observe Hijab abide by the fundamental commandment of the Holy Quran.
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