
Eid al-Fitr Gives the Message of Compassion for Humanity

Eid al-Fitr Gives the Message of Compassion for Humanity

APRIL 24, 2023

To show love and compassion and to be sympathetic to humanity is a huge form of worship and is an excellent means of gaining Allah’s pleasure.

    Eid al-Fitr is celebrated in Islam after the month of Ramadan as a token of gratitude towards God Almighty. Muslims observe fasting during Ramadan to nurture values of truthfulness, compassion, and sympathy for humanity. Given this, Eid is the opportunity to resolve that we would make the changes we brought about in ourselves during Ramadan a permanent part of our lives.

    One of the distinctive features of Islam is that it equally emphasises the fulfilment of the rights of mankind as it emphasises the fulfilment of the rights of God. For this reason, Zakat al-Fitr is a charity Muslims are mandated to observe apart from the prayers and other forms of worship related to Eid. Hence, it is necessary to pay Zakat al-Fitr before Eid prayers so that the poor can also take part in the joy of Eid. A Muslim can only attain true Eid when they include the less fortunate in Eid’s happiness.

    The Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas says:

    “To show love and compassion and to be sympathetic to humanity is a huge form of worship and is an excellent means of gaining Allah’s pleasure.”

    Explaining the purpose of celebrating Eid, the current Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, says:

    “Eid is not a day to simply gather and celebrate like any festival. On that day, we should fulfil the responsibilities entrusted to us by God Almighty more so than the usual days. We should fulfil the requirements of worship as well as the responsibilities owed to God’s creation, which is an obligation upon every believer.”

    The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India extends its heartfelt Eid wishes to all Muslims and expresses its good wishes for the whole world. We pray that God Almighty makes this Eid a source of blessings and peace for India and the world at large.

    Contact for further details:
    Incharge Press and Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at India.
    Qadian-143516, dist. Gurdaspur, Punjab, India.
    Mob: +91-9988757988, email: [email protected],
    tel: +91-1872-500311, fax: +91-1872-500178
    Noorul Islam Toll Free Number: 1800-103-2131

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    1 Comment

    Shahid Khan · April 24, 2023 at 7:12 am

    में प्राथना करता हूं कि इस ईद को पूरे संसार केलिए और ख़ास कर भारत वासियों के लिए शांति और भाईचारा कायम क़ायम कर ने वाली हो, अमीन
    (I pray that this Eid may be a source of blessings and peace for the people of India and the world at large. Ameen.)

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