MAY 25, 2022
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Srinagar organized an Eid Milan gathering on 25 May 2022 at Hotel Asian Park. The event was attended by 50 guests.
The program started at 11:30 in the morning, presided by Prof. Mir Abdul Hameed Sahib, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Srinagar. Moulvi Arif Naik, Ahmadiyya missionary, Srinagar, recited selected verses of the Holy Quran along with the Urdu translation. Dr Waseem Bari Sahib, president of the Community’s local chapter in Iram Lane gave a brief introduction to the Eid Milan program and our objective behind organizing such events. This was followed by a documentary that showcased the humanitarian endeavours undertaken by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, in India as well as worldwide.
Thereafter, three guest speakers addressed the gathering and shared their views on the importance of inter-religious harmony and mutual brotherhood.

Moulvi Nasar Ahmad Ghori, deputy in-charge Shoba Noorul Islam introduced two books – Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Founder of Ahmadiyyat, and World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, the current World Head of the Community. Around 25 copies of these books were gifted to guests after the program.
Afterwards, Prof. Muneeb ur Rahman Sahib gave a vote of thanks to all the guests and attendees.
At the end of the program, Prof. Mir Abdul Hameed sahib delivered the presidential address in which he detailed the claims and beliefs of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
The program concluded with silent prayers followed by a sumptuous lunch provided to all.