
Eid-ul-Fitr Gives the Message That We Should Show Compassion Towards Humanity

In the prevailing circumstances, Eid-ul-Fitr gives the message that we should show compassion towards humanity.

Eid-ul-Fitr Gives the Message That We Should Show Compassion Towards Humanity

In the prevailing circumstances, Eid-ul-Fitr gives the message that we should show compassion towards humanity.
  • Ramadan is a month of self-reformation after which, Eid comes as a day to attain God’s pleasure.
  • In the prevailing circumstances, Eid-ul-Fitr gives the message that we should show compassion towards humanity.
  • The world should turn towards God to be saved from this pandemic.

MAY 14, 2021

After fasting for a month in Ramadan, the Eid prayers are offered in expression of gratitude towards God Almighty. This year, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the government guidelines regarding it, the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Qadian offered Eid prayers in their homes.

Ramadan instils in a Muslim qualities such as righteousness, patience, civility and caring for the poor. A person reforms himself, overcomes his shortcomings and brings about a righteous change in his heart through fasting in Ramadan. A Muslim fasts in Ramadan to attain nearness of God and gain His pleasure. After striving in Ramadan, Eid comes as a day, in which a Muslim assesses his self, reviews the good deeds he has done in the month and pledges to make them a part of his life.

The distinctive characteristic of Islamic worship is that alongside praising God and prostrating before Him, all its aspects demand from a Muslim to show compassion towards God’s creation. As a result of fasting in Ramadan, a Muslim perceives the intensity of hunger and thirst and he experiences an ardent desire in his heart to help the deprived. Hence, when nowadays, the poor people are badly suffering owing to the deteriorating situation prevailing in the country, this Eid gives us the message that we should show compassion towards mankind and strive to fulfil our responsibilities with regards to alleviating the sufferings of others. Only then will we attain the true happiness associated with Eid.

The current situation of the world demands that man turn to God and invoke His help so that He may eliminate the difficulties the world is presently passing through.

On this occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, it is our responsibility to pray for the world to be saved from this pandemic. May Allah the Almighty save the world from this destructive disease and keep everyone under His protection. Amin.


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