
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Participates in a Seminar on “A World without Anger”

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Participates in a Seminar on “A World without Anger”

NOVEMBER 2, 2022

On 2 October 2022, as a part of their Gandhi Jayanti celebrations, the Gandhian Studies Centre of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam organized a seminar on “Gandhi, Spirituality & Life without Anger”. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was also invited to the event.

The program was presided over by Prof. PVGD Prasad Reddy, the vice chancellor of Andhra University who was also the chief guest of the event. Mr Husam Ahmed Shafeeq represented the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as a guest of honour. Sriman Niskinchana Bhakta Dasa, the President of Hare Krishna Movement, Visakhapatnam, and Arch Bishop Dr M Vijayakumar from Snehabdi Diocese were also guests of honour and key speakers at the event.

The program started at 11 AM. The honourable guests, who were representatives of three different religions were asked to recite prayers in their respective ways, wherein Mr Husam Ahmed led silent prayers asking the attendees to join according to their own styles. Afterwards, Prof. Prasad Reddy addressed the gathering and spoke about the life and character of Mahatma Gandhi and the need for controlling anger.

A World without Anger
Mr Husam Ahmed speaking at the Gandhian Studies Centre in Andhra University

Thereafter, Mr Husam Ahmed was invited to the podium to speak on “Islam and Anger Management”. In his speech, Husam Ahmed stated that Islam views all human emotions to be natural and does not approve of the complete suppression of any of them, anger being no exception. Islam asks man to control those emotions, he added, and to employ them in optimal situations at optimal degrees.

He also said that Islam admonishes its followers to control anger and not act aggressively during flare-ups and also stresses on exercising forgiveness. He also referred to research studies that corroborate the Islamic view towards anger. Mr Husam also mentioned the practical steps explained by Prophet Muhammadsa that would help a person to control his anger before things get out of hand.

This was followed by speeches from the other two representatives who also shared their views on anger and anger management, after which the program concluded.

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Samiur Rahman · November 2, 2022 at 7:55 am


Munavar ahamed · November 2, 2022 at 11:35 am

Very nice work

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