
Ahmadiyya Muslim Bookstall in Wayanad

Ahmadiyya Muslim Bookstall in Wayanad

APRIL 27, 2022

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Kambalakkad chapter organized a bookstall at Wayanad Flower Show 2022, which was held at Kalpetta from 1 March to 27 March 2022.

The event attracted a large number of people with around 30,000 people visiting the Ahmadiyya stall. Most of the visitors held conversations with the Ahmadiyya representatives at the stall and were inspired by the message of Islam represented by the Community.

Among the dignitaries that visited the stall were the Malayalam film actor Abu Salim and Mr Haneef, a revenue officer, who were gifted the book World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace.

A Muslim family came to the stall. When they got to know that this was the stall of the Ahmadiyya Community, they quickly left saying that it was a ‘Qadiani’ stall – Qadiani being a pejorative term used for Ahmadis by its opponents. Later, a person from that family returned alone and had a discourse at length about Islam and Ahmadiyyat. As it became clear to him that the tenets of the Community are in accordance with Islamic teachings, he was very much inspired and demanded that the Friday Sermons of the Ahmadiyya Khalifa be shared with him every week.

Two young boys visited the stall, one of whom was very staunch and spoke quite rudely.  Yet the other one was very calm and was willing to know more about the Community. Two days later, he came to visit the Community’s mosque in the area and expressed his desire to learn more about Ahmadiyyat. The next Friday, he again visited the Ahmadiyya mosque and offered prayers behind the Ahmadi Imam.

Around 2000 leaflets were distributed and over a hundred books were sold. Likewise, many educated people were gifted the book World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace. The program was successful by the grace of Allah. May He bring about its fruitful results. Amin.

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