
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Strongly Condemns the Murder that Took Place in Udaipur

Islam is a religion of peace that strongly denounces extremism and does not allow cruelty or injustice of any kind under any circumstances whatsoever.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Strongly Condemns the Murder that Took Place in Udaipur

Islam is a religion of peace that strongly denounces extremism and does not allow cruelty or injustice of any kind under any circumstances whatsoever.

JULY 1, 2022

Islam does not permit extremism under any circumstances. Those who attribute such cruelties to Islam are ignorant of the true Islamic teachings. Their actions are completely antithetical to Islamic principles.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India strongly condemns the un-Islamic actions committed by extremists in Udaipur and demands that the perpetrators be brought to justice.

    On Tuesday, a Hindu man was brutally murdered by two so-called Muslims in Udaipur, Rajasthan. The action is utterly inhuman and completely antithetical to Islamic teachings. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, India condemns the murder in the strongest possible terms.

    Islam is a religion of peace that strongly denounces extremism and does not allow cruelty or injustice under any circumstances whatsoever. Those who attribute such atrocities to Islam are completely ignorant of the teachings of the Holy Quran and the practice of the Holy Prophetsa. Those who commit such cruelties are directly contradicting the principles of Islam.

    Such heinous actions should be deplored vehemently and the perpetrators should be brought to justice.

    The horrible incident has sparked outrage all over the country and has created a situation that is jeopardizing the peace and tranquillity of our nation. As the people of India, it is our responsibility, in this time, to collectively fight extremism and uproot all sorts of hatred and animosity. We should play a positive role in promoting peace and harmony in society through mutual respect and brotherhood.

    As far as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is concerned, it should be remembered that this is not the first time we are expressing our strong disapproval of such inhuman attacks. Instead, the Community has always been at the forefront in denouncing all sorts of cruelties committed in the name of religion.

    This is because Islam teaches respect for all religions, as well as their founders and scriptures. It instructs its followers to always honour the sentiments of all faiths. Hence, to make any sort of derogatory statements against any religious leader is strictly forbidden in Islam. However, if such unfortunate instances occur where the Holy figures of Islam are vilified, Islam does not prescribe any physical punishments and does not justify extreme retaliations in that regard. We cannot find any examples of such actions in the teachings of the Holy Quran or the conduct of the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa has always instructed Muslims to demonstrate patience and forbearance on such occasions.

    India is home to different ideologies and faiths, where followers of different religions live in harmony. Unity in diversity has always been a unique and distinctive value of this great nation. Hence, it is the responsibility of each and every citizen of India to fight unitedly against religious rifts and end hostilities in the name of faith. For this, it is essential that we view one another with love and respect.

    As Ahmadi Muslims of India, we pray to God Almighty that He may make our country a haven of peace. May we, the people of India, live here in peace and harmony regardless of our faiths and beliefs. May He enable us to contribute our best for the progress of our nation.

    Contact for further details:
    Incharge Press and Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at India.
    Qadian-143516, dist. Gurdaspur, Punjab, India.
    Mob: +91-9988757988, email: [email protected],
    tel: +91-1872-500311, fax: +91-1872-500178
    Noorul Islam Toll Free Number: 1800-103-2131

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    ejaz Masood · July 1, 2022 at 5:36 am

    As an ahmadiyya Muslim jamaat member I respect all the religion,all the prophets and their leaders and love to whole mankind and human beings.
    My deepest condolences for udaipur victims.

    Kamil · July 1, 2022 at 11:02 am

    We need more people like this alhamdulillah

    MOHAMMAD REHAN · July 1, 2022 at 1:44 pm


    MM Hussain · July 3, 2022 at 4:26 pm

    Love for all.. Hatred for None…

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