

Chandrayaan 3 Touches Down: India Becomes Fourth Nation to Land on Moon

India has joined the US, China, and the former USSR in achieving a successful lunar landing. Notably, India also became the first country to land a spacecraft near the Moon's south pole.
By embracing a smiling disposition, Prophet Muhammad(sa) set a powerful example for his followers, encouraging them to uplift the spirits of others, bring cheerfulness to their surroundings, and foster an atmosphere of love and harmony.
India’s unity in diversity showcases the harmonious coexistence of various religions, languages, traditions, and festivals. It serves as an example of how diverse communities can live together.
Today marks 78 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the world seems to be standing on the brink of another global conflict. Has time erased our memories?
It is inconceivable to contend that the noble companions, who were spiritually nurtured by the Holy Prophet(sa) himself, could have played any role in the conflicts that culminated in the event of Karbala.
The primary purpose of Jalsa is to enable attendees to personally experience religious benefits. Among its secondary benefits is that it will promote mutual introduction among the members, and will strengthen the fraternal ties within the Community.
ISRO is preparing for the launch of Chandrayaan 3. With the primary objective of achieving a successful landing and rover deployment, the mission aims to explore the lunar surface through essential scientific studies for future purposes.
As a Khalifa is God’s vicegerent on Earth, his person becomes the reflection of Divine attributes, and his actions serve as the true demonstration of Islamic teachings.
The Ijtema was a testament to the power of unity, prayers, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge. It served as a beacon of light in my spiritual journey.
Ramadan is a month of eternal blessings. Our journey towards spiritual excellence does not end, rather begins with the end of Ramadan.
With the milestone document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and many institutions working towards resolving conflicts, should not the world already be thriving in peace?
Rape crisis is on the rise and shows no sign of abating. It is time to end the patriarchal norms that are increasing the incidence of rape and crime against women.
Posture is often overlooked. It is something usually considered as of little or no importance. But the fact is good posture benefits us in a multitude of ways while bad posture can ruin our overall health.
Islam has been largely misunderstood as an ideology endorsing terrorism. While the opponents of Islam try to assert this narrative, nothing can be further from the truth.
Inspired by her religion, this under-celebrated Muslim woman from Africa founded the oldest university in the world, pioneering a model of higher education.
When all means to coping with a stressful situation is experimented in vain, a person resorts to ending his life as it seems to be the only way out of the agony. However, there is always a better solution.
Muslims should not respond to such horrific and provocative acts through violence. Instead, they should educate people about the Quran’s true teachings so that anti-Muslim extremists could not seek to defame Islam by taking individual Quranic verses completely out of context to further their hateful objectives.
The conscience of each man, if not rendered inactive, will always remind him that there ought to be a God, Who is the Creator of this universe.
Islam created a social structure, which closed the doors of enslavement and opened up many ways through which slaves could be freed and justly integrated into society.
It is normal to have an occasional sleepless night. But, if it has become a routine to spend nights tossing and turning, then you should consider re-evaluating your sleep habits.