While wars unfold with tragic consequences, extending beyond physical devastation and loss of lives, their enduring impact resonates deeply, leaving a lasting imprint on individuals for years to come.
Reflecting on the journey of Lajna Imaillah, the Ahmadi Muslim women’s auxiliary, members from across the country share their stories of empowerment and progress.
Commemorating the centenary of Lajna Imaillah, the Ahmadi Muslim women’s auxiliary, members from across the country share their stories of empowerment, progress and much more.
In a world where noble cause corruption is the norm, where the end justifies the means, the Islamic philosophy of justice stands out as a steadfast guardian of human rights.
The Ahmadiyya response to blasphemy has always been peaceful, seeking to defend the honour of the Holy Prophet(sa), employing no means that constitute or endorse violent retribution.
May Allah the Almighty enable the major powers to establish justice on both sides and thereby establish peace. It should not be that they lean towards one side and thus usurp the rights of the other side.
The book is a compendium of timely and meaningful articulations on solutions and means to overcome the current crisis of the world and achieve global peace.
It is commonly held that Hazrat Adam(as), who lived about 6,000 years ago, was the first man on Earth. However, this view is not supported by the Holy Quran, as a close study of the relevant verses reveals.
Islam’s multifaceted teachings seamlessly intertwine faith and fitness, contemplation and action, providing motivation and a well-defined framework for meaningful change.
Islam not only advocated the freeing of slaves but also paved the path for their progress and ensured they were seamlessly integrated into society.
One does not become the recipient of bounties by merely observing the fast in Ramadan. Instead, it is essential for a person to fulfil its requisites and focus on good deeds.
Islam has often been accused of being a threat to Western culture and civilisation. However, given the Judeo-Christian roots of Western culture, it is actually atheism, not Islam, which threatens to destroy that culture.
World leaders must work towards ensuring that the world we leave behind for our children is marked by peace and prosperity, not a world of crippled economy and malformed children.
While atheists try to disprove God referring to the closure of houses of worship amid Covid-19 concerns, a simple analysis of their claims exposes the flaws in their 'logic' and lies in their 'facts'.