The world is passing through very turbulent times. The global economic crisis continues to manifest newer and graver dangers almost every week. The similarities to the period just before the Second World War continue to be cited and it seems clear that events are moving the world at an unprecedented pace towards a horrific Third World War.
In this book, which is a compilation of speeches by His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and his letters written to world leaders, he warns the world of the fast approaching dangers and how it can avert disaster and chart a course to peace.
Love for All Hatred for None
For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889, it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.
As a community that stands for education, integration and interfaith peace, we welcome all to visit our mosques as well as our numerous seminars and events that bring people together to understand more about each other. In essence Love for All Hatred for None is the unique banner upheld by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and a message that we believe is the basis for lasting peace.
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