

Loyalty towards Nation Is a Part of Faith

It is very easy to simply speak of, or hear the words, ‘loyalty and love for one’s nation.’ However, in reality, these few words encompass meanings that are wide-ranging, beautiful and of tremendous depth.
Although a violation of basic morals, Islam prescribes no punishment for blasphemy. On the contrary, Muslims are enjoined to respond to abuses with prayers and cruelty with kindness.
It has become commonplace to insult and disrespect the religious figures of different faiths. Despite repeated instances of such actions disrupting peace in society, they are often justified in the name of freedom of speech.
Hajj holds within it three main objectives; reforming one’s ego, establishing a strong bond with God and creating a healthier relationship with mankind.
How can a Merciful God demand the slaughter of a child? How can a pious father kill his son? How come this is not a sanguinary tradition? There are many myths related to Eid al-Adha, all but emanating from ignorance about Islamic ideologies.
As homes became mosques, the pandemic has proved how Islamic teachings are applicable in changing circumstances. The downscaling of this year's Hajj pilgrimage further establishes this truth.
Addiction among children and youth is a grave issue of the time. Not only does addiction divert humans from spiritual activities, it also affects the functioning of a person in all aspects of life.
Suicide is a social and psychological phenomenon that is present in every culture. Every year, around 800,000 people take their own life. However, suicide is preventable with correct and timely approach.
Nations have always devised strategies to wage wars in the disguise of stopping injustice. But the world has witnessed many a time how truthful their intentions were and how fruitful such wars proved to be.
Repentance is not a license to sin; it is the key to righteousness. True repentance is that which encourages man to refrain from evil deeds and engage in virtuous acts.
Artificial Intelligence is not superior to human intelligence. Like every technology, AI also presents both advantages and risks. If utilised wisely, it will be advantageous. Similarly, it can be detrimental, if misused.
In the journey of faith, fraught with twists and turns, doubts and uncertainties, the Khalifa’s speeches serve as a guiding light, offering reassurance to weary souls.
The journey of Arabian society from the age of ignorance to the age of Islam witnessed profound changes in their societal norms, particularly in the status of women.
“Do not be misled to believe that abundant wealth, expensive and elegant clothing, and fine foods can bring happiness. Absolutely Not. True happiness depends on righteousness alone.” — Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as)
The common belief that Adam(as) was placed in Heaven finds no support in the Quran. In truth, he was sent as a guide for people on earth and was made to live therein.
In this era of selective condemnation and self-serving interpretations of the right to defence, the Islamic principles of justice have the potential to prevent a global war.
Only that religion can be considered true, which enables man to attain union with God, and not those which seek to please man by mere words.
Fasting not only facilitates the moral and spiritual reformation of man but also provides a pathway to improved physical and mental health.
As 130 years have passed since the signs of the Mahdi were fulfilled, it prompts us to undertake a brief analysis of the prophecy and its fulfilment.
Fasting brings about moral transformation in a person, serving as a means of attaining righteousness, self-discipline, and physical and mental rejuvenation.