

Perils of Veto Power on Global Peace: The Ahmadiyya Khalifa Addresses UK Peace Symposium 2024

“Let it be clear, therefore, that where a veto power exists, the scales of justice can never be balanced.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
Mindful eating can positively encourage us to be re-acquainted with the pleasure of eating. It increases our cognisance of the inputs, sensations, and outcomes of the dining experience.
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad(ra) left an indelible mark on the history of Islam through his visionary leadership, intellectual contributions, and unwavering commitment to the values of peace and justice.
In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks one is occupied with. In this complex maze of challenges, man often searches for guidance that would lead him to success.
Parents should be educated on how to address the issues children face in this age. They should be able to explain the good and bad aspects of the things prevalent in today’s society.
Human beings have an element of consciousness present inside their minds, which endows them with the ability to think and make decisions.
Wage theft is a major social problem that the world has been facing for a long time. It can be described as a devastating international endemic.
Heaven and hell are not material worlds that come from outside but are physical manifestations of man’s spiritual conditions in this world. They arise as the consequences of human actions in this life.
Among the noble names mentioned during this year's Jalsa Salana Qadian was Hazrat Sayyeda Amatul Quddus Begum Sahiba, lovingly referred to as Aapa Jaan. Here we share heartfelt reflections from Lajna members on her remarkable character.
While the transformation of Jalsa Salana from a humble gathering to a global event itself serves as a Divine sign, yet another aspect of its history offers an even more emphatic testimony to the existence of God.
While Akhtar blatantly characterises all religious people as mentally ill, his statements reveal that he is suffering from the very delusion he seeks to find in others.
Amidst the polarised debates that either advocate for or entirely reject abortion, Islam offers a balanced and logical perspective, respecting the rights of women and the sanctity of potential life.
Ahmadiyya Khalifa explains how important it is for parents, in today’s digital age, to monitor the programmes their children watch and ensure they do not have excessive screen time.
Contrary to the common belief that Adam(as) was forbidden to approach a physical tree, a study of the Quranic verses reveals that the command addressed a concept of much greater significance.
Atheists have long argued that the onus does not lie with them to disprove God’s existence. Here we examine if they are truly exempt from the rational burden of substantiating their beliefs.
Following his dream to become a researcher, the author is faced with challenges, but is ultimately granted fulfilment and conviction about God’s existence.
Worldly principles attempt to define justice through materialistic values, without reference to God. However, those theories fall short of shaping a system that fulfils all requirements of justice.
As long as a person is immersed in the material world, they cannot relinquish the desire to acquire the paltry goods of this life. On the contrary, the more a person bonds with God, the more they experience peace of mind.
Eid al-Adha is a celebration of sacrifice, spirituality, and renewal. It embodies the timeless values of devotion, obedience, and compassion that are central to Islam.
Homes should cultivate an environment where every child, boy or girl, feels equally valued. No child should feel that changing their gender would bring them more importance.