

Third World War and the Warnings that Went Unheard

For two decades, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been warning the world of an impending Third World War. Unfortunately, no heed was paid to his words.
Forcing women to remove Hijab is as wrong as coercing them to wear it. Both actions amount to oppression and deny women their basic rights.
Khilafat is the heavenly means of sustaining the unity of Islam. It is the Divine institution that fosters the spiritual strength of Muslims.
World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community explains how Islamic teachings hold the key to establishing true and lasting peace at all levels.
The virtual world of the internet is connected with the actual world in both ways. It reflects as well as influences how humans behave in the real world.
Islam envisions the world in the form of a pluralistic ecosystem. Hence, enacting shariah law becomes impossible even in countries with Muslim majorities, let alone the multireligious nations and societies.
In around 770 AD, an embassy from India, including an astronomer, visited the then Abbasid Caliph Al-Mansur in Baghdad. The meeting was to open up an avenue for a fruitful interaction between India and the Arab world.
Remembering Karbala holds special significance for Muslims. But, is recreating the physical torture Imam Hussain (ra) and his followers went through the true way of commemoration?
A drive through rush hour traffic, a bad day at the office or reading irate tweets on social media can all induce our anger. As the incontinent expression of rage can have damaging outcomes, we ought to control our anger in such situations.
Conflict being an inevitable characteristic of human society, a course to peace can only be charted when man imbibes the noblest of moral virtues.
Coping with anxiety can be a challenge especially when we are living in anxiety-inducing times; however, understanding the triggers and taking proper measures can calm your anxiety from taking over.
While modern society rage over Muslim women wearing Hijab, they purposefully turn a blind eye to the vast sexualisation of women in the media and fashion industry.
Biological characteristics do not grant a person any superiority over others. The real merit is the merit of righteousness.
Climate change is a natural process which occurs, but man’s actions have worked as a fan, speeding up the process.
Depression has been called the world’s number one public mental health problem. It is an illness that mostly results from thoughts that are distorted in some way. Fortunately, you don't have to live with depression; you can always show it a way out.
History provides us with enough evidence on how racism – a baseless notion of one's own race being superior to others – can infect a person's mind and preclude any attempt to understand its victims.
Do we need God in the 21st century? What role can religion play today in creating a moral society? Is not the concept of God and religion superfluous in this era of human development?
There are many precautions and safety measures governments are making their subjects to observe so as to tackle the pandemic of COVID-19. But has anyone cared to turn towards the Creator of mankind, Who has been forgotten as if He does not even exist?
The real objective of Ramadan is to make man capable of fulfilling the very purpose of his creation – i.e. to attain the nearness of God.
For over a month under lockdown, people have forgone many of their social rituals and traditions. However, Muslims had no difficulty observing their religious obligations, even confined in their homes.