

Understanding Anxiety: How to Find the Resilient Self?

Coping with anxiety can be a challenge especially when we are living in anxiety-inducing times; however, understanding the triggers and taking proper measures can calm your anxiety from taking over.
While modern society rage over Muslim women wearing Hijab, they purposefully turn a blind eye to the vast sexualisation of women in the media and fashion industry.
Biological characteristics do not grant a person any superiority over others. The real merit is the merit of righteousness.
Climate change is a natural process which occurs, but man’s actions have worked as a fan, speeding up the process.
Depression has been called the world’s number one public mental health problem. It is an illness that mostly results from thoughts that are distorted in some way. Fortunately, you don't have to live with depression; you can always show it a way out.
History provides us with enough evidence on how racism – a baseless notion of one's own race being superior to others – can infect a person's mind and preclude any attempt to understand its victims.
Do we need God in the 21st century? What role can religion play today in creating a moral society? Is not the concept of God and religion superfluous in this era of human development?
There are many precautions and safety measures governments are making their subjects to observe so as to tackle the pandemic of COVID-19. But has anyone cared to turn towards the Creator of mankind, Who has been forgotten as if He does not even exist?
The real objective of Ramadan is to make man capable of fulfilling the very purpose of his creation – i.e. to attain the nearness of God.
For over a month under lockdown, people have forgone many of their social rituals and traditions. However, Muslims had no difficulty observing their religious obligations, even confined in their homes.
With the milestone document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and many institutions working towards resolving conflicts, should not the world already be thriving in peace?
Rape crisis is on the rise and shows no sign of abating. It is time to end the patriarchal norms that are increasing the incidence of rape and crime against women.
Posture is often overlooked. It is something usually considered as of little or no importance. But the fact is good posture benefits us in a multitude of ways while bad posture can ruin our overall health.
Islam has been largely misunderstood as an ideology endorsing terrorism. While the opponents of Islam try to assert this narrative, nothing can be further from the truth.
Inspired by her religion, this under-celebrated Muslim woman from Africa founded the oldest university in the world, pioneering a model of higher education.
When all means to coping with a stressful situation is experimented in vain, a person resorts to ending his life as it seems to be the only way out of the agony. However, there is always a better solution.
Muslims should not respond to such horrific and provocative acts through violence. Instead, they should educate people about the Quran’s true teachings so that anti-Muslim extremists could not seek to defame Islam by taking individual Quranic verses completely out of context to further their hateful objectives.
The conscience of each man, if not rendered inactive, will always remind him that there ought to be a God, Who is the Creator of this universe.
Islam created a social structure, which closed the doors of enslavement and opened up many ways through which slaves could be freed and justly integrated into society.
It is normal to have an occasional sleepless night. But, if it has become a routine to spend nights tossing and turning, then you should consider re-evaluating your sleep habits.