May Allah the Almighty enable the major powers to establish justice on both sides and thereby establish peace. It should not be that they lean towards one side and thus usurp the rights of the other side.
The book is a compendium of timely and meaningful articulations on solutions and means to overcome the current crisis of the world and achieve global peace.
It is commonly held that Hazrat Adam(as), who lived about 6,000 years ago, was the first man on Earth. However, this view is not supported by the Holy Quran, as a close study of the relevant verses reveals.
Islam’s multifaceted teachings seamlessly intertwine faith and fitness, contemplation and action, providing motivation and a well-defined framework for meaningful change.
Islam not only advocated the freeing of slaves but also paved the path for their progress and ensured they were seamlessly integrated into society.
India has joined the US, China, and the former USSR in achieving a successful lunar landing. Notably, India also became the first country to land a spacecraft near the Moon's south pole.
By embracing a smiling disposition, Prophet Muhammad(sa) set a powerful example for his followers, encouraging them to uplift the spirits of others, bring cheerfulness to their surroundings, and foster an atmosphere of love and harmony.
India’s unity in diversity showcases the harmonious coexistence of various religions, languages, traditions, and festivals. It serves as an example of how diverse communities can live together.
Today marks 78 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the world seems to be standing on the brink of another global conflict. Has time erased our memories?
It is inconceivable to contend that the noble companions, who were spiritually nurtured by the Holy Prophet(sa) himself, could have played any role in the conflicts that culminated in the event of Karbala.
World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community gives insight on how we should respond to the current situation of Muslims in India and explains the role Ahmadis are playing to improve the situation.
Period stigma has important consequences for the health and well-being of women. This calls for efforts on removing the taboos around the topic.
For the second time, astronomers have obtained the image of a black hole; this time, the one at the centre of our own galaxy. Notwithstanding claims to the contrary, this shows that not everything is perceived through vision.
Godly people i.e. those who develop a relationship of love with God experience no urge to pursue earthly desires or worldly pleasures. Instead, God remains the sole purpose of their lives.
The injunction of Hijab is not just recommendatory. Nor is the concept of Purdah an innovative practice. Those who observe Hijab abide by the fundamental commandment of the Holy Quran.
For two decades, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been warning the world of an impending Third World War. Unfortunately, no heed was paid to his words.
Forcing women to remove Hijab is as wrong as coercing them to wear it. Both actions amount to oppression and deny women their basic rights.
Khilafat is the heavenly means of sustaining the unity of Islam. It is the Divine institution that fosters the spiritual strength of Muslims.
World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community explains how Islamic teachings hold the key to establishing true and lasting peace at all levels.
The virtual world of the internet is connected with the actual world in both ways. It reflects as well as influences how humans behave in the real world.